How to Write an Email About Someone Passing Away

When someone close to you dies, it’s hard to know what to say in an email. If you’re announcing that someone has died, you may be worried about saying the wrong thing or making the person feel worse.

We’re here to help you learn how to write an email about someone passing away.

Death Announcement Email Template

Dear friends and family,

With great regret, we share [name] has passed away on [date]. [Name] was a beloved part of our family, and we will miss him dearly. Please find attached a copy of the obituary published in the local paper.

We would also like to provide a link to the memorial website that has been set up in his honor [include link]. Please feel free to join us in remembering [name] by posting pictures and memories on the site.

Services will be held at [location] on [date], and all arrangements have been made through [service provider]. In place of flowers, please consider donating to [organization] in memory of [name]. 

We would appreciate it if you would share this information with any of your friends and family that may be mourning his loss. 

Thank you for being such an important part of [name’s] life, and for your support during this difficult time. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, [Your name] 

Reasons for Writing an Email About Somebody Passing Away

There are many reasons to send an email about somebody passing away. It can be a good way for you to let the family and friends know important information about the person, and what they can do to help. An email can provide details about how people can send condolences, location/details of the services, and other important and relevant information.

Sending an email also allows you to inform people very quickly. This will ensure that people get the information they need right away.

What to Do Before You Send a Death Announcement Email

Before you send a death announcement email, there are several steps you should take.

  • First, confirm all of the details about the service and any arrangements that have been made.
  • Set up a memorial website or a hub of information that you can update and point people to help them access the latest updates.
  • You should also make a list of people that you should reach out to.

The benefit of setting up a website is that it allows you to keep all of the vital information in an easily accessible place.  Make sure you have all of the necessary information. To ensure that the email is sent correctly, it is crucial to include all of the relevant information, such as the person’s name, birth date, and death date. You should also collect any relevant photographs or videos. 

What to Include in A Death Announcement Email

Here’s what to include in a death announcement email. Start with greetings and condolences, share relevant information, let recipients know how they can help, and then close by offering assistance.

Step 1: Greetings and Condolences

In this section of the death announcement email, greet friends and family, and share the news of the person who passed. For example, you could say something like:

Dear friends and family of [name],

We are deeply saddened to share the news that [name] passed away suddenly last night. We want to offer our heartfelt condolences, and ask that you please keep our family in your thoughts during this difficult time.

Step 2: Share Relevant Information

Next, share relevant information such as the date, cause of death (if appropriate for the email), and a copy of the obituary.

You should also share information such as a link to a memorial site, and details about the service. Setting up a memorial site can be a great way to provide a space for people to get updates, and share pictures or memories of the loved one. 

We are sharing a link to the memorial website that has been set up in honor of [name]. Please feel free to share your memories and pictures of [name] on this site.

All arrangements have been made through [service provider] for services to be held at [location] on [date]. 

Step 3: Let Recipients Know How They Can Help

You can also let recipients know how they can help.

For example, describe if friends and family can make a donation in the name of the departed, or whether they can share pictures. You can also let them know if it is OK to share the details with others who may not have heard yet.

We would appreciate it if you would share this information with any of your friends and family that may be mourning his loss. Donations in memory of [name] are preferable to flowers.

Step 4: Offer Assistance and Close

Finally, close by expressing condolences and thanking the recipients. Let them know who to contact for questions or assistance. 

Your support during this difficult time is deeply appreciated, as is being such an important part of [name’s] life. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need any assistance.

How to Write an Email About Someone Passing Away Conclusion

Writing an email about someone passing away can be difficult. But we hope these steps have made it a little bit easier for you. Remember these tips. First, confirm the arrangements and details. In your email, offer greetings and condolences, share relevant information, let recipients know how they can help, and finally, offer assistance and close.