How to Email Your Child’s Teacher About an Absence

Are you a parent who wants to know how to email your child’s teacher about an absence? Find out how to effectively communicate with your child’s teacher over email and help build a strong relationship with your communication.

Here’s what to include in an email to your child’s teacher about an absence:

  • Clear subject line
  • Friendly opening
  • Reason/details for absence
  • Sincere appreciation to the teacher and school office
  • Friendly closing

Here’s a convenient copy/paste template you can personalize and use right now to effectively communicate with your child’s teacher.

Subject – (Child’s name and Date of Birth) absent today

Dear Mrs./Mr. (Name) and Mr./Mrs. (Name),

We hope you had a wonderful weekend. Unfortunately, (Child’s name) has been not feeling well this morning and she/he will be staying home today, (date). Are there any assignments we can catch up on at home? (Child’s name) is sad to miss the exciting science experience you have planned. We so appreciate how fun you make the classroom and can only imagine the time and effort you put in to make each day so exciting for the children.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do on our end.


(Parent’s/Guardian’s names)

What to Do Before You Write an Absence Email to Your Child’s Teacher

Check the School Policies

Before communicating with the school about your child’s absence, but sure to check the school policies in the parent handbook or school website. The school policy should clarify the communication process.

It will help to know the difference between an excused and unexcused absence at your school and what information the school may need.

Understand Your Child’s Daily Schedule

It is also helpful to be aware of any large projects, tests, or activities your child may miss during the absence.

Many schools have methods to turn in assignments even if your child is absent and you may need to think through those steps before communicating.

Email Both Your Child’s Teacher and The School Office

If your child will be absent from school, emailing is typically an excellent communication method.

Often you are needing to communicate with the school first thing in the morning and you are able to inform multiple staff members at one time.

You also now have a record of the days your child was absent during the school year if ever needed. Be sure to check the procedures for your child’s school first.

What to Include in An Email to Your Child’s Teacher About an Absence

Clear Subject Line for Your Child’s Absence

The subject line for an email to your child’s teacher should list that your child will be absent, the child’s name, and the date they will be absent (today).

The subject line of an email containing attendance information for your child can be very helpful, especially if you are e-mailing the teacher and school about class attendance. 

Your teacher may not have time to read your full email before class starts, but they may have a chance to view the subject line.

For example (Child’s Name) absent today, (date)

Include a Friendly Opening and Closing with Appreciation

An easy format for an absence email to your child’s teacher is the sandwich. You can use this model in your email to school for absence of your child.

The opening and closing of your email is the bread of your sandwich. These should be welcoming, relationship-building openers and closers. Appreciation and the reasoning for the absence should be in the middle.

A positive relationship with your child’s teacher is invaluable and taking the time to share genuine compliments and to thank your teacher in each communication goes a long way in building a strong relationship.

Provide a Reason and Details About Your Child’s Absence

It is helpful to explain to your child’s teacher and the school why your child is absent. It is best to be clear and give an honest reason for the absence.

For example, if your child is absent due to a family emergency, your child is able to get more support from the school staff upon return.

Reminders and Tips About How To Email Your Child’s Teacher About an Absence

Emailing your child’s teacher and school is an opportunity to build and strengthen your relationship.

Remember to:

  • Check your school student attendance policies before emailing
  • Know your child’s day and what they will miss
  • Email both the teacher and school office
  • Add thanks and compliments
  • Give an honest reason for the absence
  • The subject line has Child’s name, date, and the word “Absent”