Email Template For Scheduling A Meeting

 Are you struggling to write an email to schedule a meeting?

Find out how to write an effective meeting request email, or use our email template for scheduling a meeting and examples to get started right away!

Sample Email Template For Scheduling A Meeting

Use this quick and easy copy/paste template to send an email for a meeting request.

Subject: Meeting Request With [Your Name] Re: [Topic]

Dear [Name],

My name is [your name], and I am the [job title], at [company name]. As you might remember, we met at [event] last month. I enjoyed our conversation about [topic] and appreciated your insights.

I would love to chat with you about [topic]. Specifically, we plan to [describe your opportunity], and would like to see how we can involve you, given your expertise. The benefit for you would be [describe the benefit to the recipient].

Would you be available for a Zoom meeting Monday or Tuesday of next week?

Please let me know if there are good times for you Monday or Tuesday, and I will send you a calendar invite with a Zoom invitation in the link. If there’s another day or time that’s more convenient for you, please let me know. You can also book a spot in my calendar directly using the following link: (insert Calendly or similar link).

I look forward to discussing how we can help highlight your business and expertise [or another benefit that might help them]. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.


[Your name]

Why Should You Schedule Meetings via Email?

Scheduling meetings via email is excellent for many reasons.

  • You can include important details, such as when the meeting will occur, who needs to attend, and who’ll be given contact information.
  • You can attach important documents or pre-reads.
  • Additionally, you can usually attach an invite directly to the email, for an added benefit. Participants can forward the invitation to others who need to be added or kept informed if necessary.

Because all the information is in one place, scheduling meetings via email reduces human error. 

How to Write an Email for Scheduling a Meeting

Use these steps to write an effective email for scheduling a meeting.

  • Write a friendly, professional greeting.
  • Introduce yourself, if needed.
  • Describe the purpose of the meeting.
  • Determine a convenient time and place (virtual or in-person).
  • Include a call for action.
  • Close politely and professionally.

Write a friendly, professional greeting.

Open your email by writing a friendly, professional greeting. You can say something like, “Hi Name, I hope you are well.”

Introduce yourself, if needed.

In some cases, you may need to introduce yourself to the recipient.

When introducing yourself, refer to any past interactions that you have had, and be sure to state your name, role, and your employer or organization.

It’s also helpful to provide a compliment or nice comment to connect with the recipient.

Here’s an example:

My name is [name], and I am the [job title], at [company name]. We met at the [event] last year.

I really enjoyed our conversation about [topic] and appreciated your insights.

Describe the purpose of the meeting.

Next, state the purpose of the meeting.

Be clear and direct to show respect for the recipient’s time. It would be best if you also reflected the purpose of the meeting in the email subject line.

When you explain the purpose of the meeting, be sure to illustrate any benefits to the recipient from the meeting clearly.

It can be helpful to use bullet points or headings where necessary.

Before you write the email, ask yourself what the purpose of the meeting is and what your objectives are. You should also clearly explain the benefits of the meeting to both parties.

Here’s an example. Let’s say that we met with a subject matter expert and would like to invite them to speak at a virtual event.

Our goal would be to secure them as a speaker for the event. Our objectives would be to identify collaboration opportunities and the next steps for becoming a speaker at the event.

Here’s what you could say:

I would love to chat with you about future collaboration opportunities.

Specifically, we plan to host a series of events, and would like to see how we can involve you, given your expertise.

The benefit would be that you would have an opportunity to highlight your business and expertise, while at the same time providing valuable content to our audience.

Determine a convenient time and place (virtual or in-person).

Next, determine a convenient time to meet for both parties. The goal here is to make it easy for the recipient to respond. Provide a timeframe, but allow enough flexibility so that they can suggest something else if your timeframe doesn’t work.

For example:

Would you be available for a meeting Monday or Tuesday or next week? Otherwise, we can schedule something at your convenience.

Include a call for action.

State exactly what you want the recipient to do, and the next steps. Describe precisely how they can set up the meeting with you. You might ask for them to respond by confirming a time in the email, or to schedule you directly using a calendar link or software.

For example:

Please let me know if there are good times for you Monday or Tuesday and I will send you a calendar invite. If there’s another day or time that’s more convenient for you, please let me know. You can also book a spot in my calendar directly using the following link: (insert link).

Close politely and professionally.

Close your email in a courteous and professional manner to maximize the chances of a response. It’s good to again highlight why the meeting will help the recipient or solve a pain point.

I look forward to discussing how we can help highlight your business and expertise (or another benefit that might help them). Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to connecting with you soon.


[Your name]

In conclusion, your email should be concise and direct with a clear purpose. Update the recipient as soon as possible if something happens during the planning stages of scheduling the meeting that requires you to make changes.

These tips and templates will help you schedule your next meeting with the confidence that you will get a response!