How to Write an Email When Someone Refers You

Navigating the professional landscape can often be challenging, but it can be made significantly easier when you have a referral.

A referral can open many doors, but it’s essential to know how to handle it correctly. This article will guide you on how to write an email when someone refers you, ensuring you maintain professionalism while expressing your gratitude and interest.

When someone refers you, write a professional email that starts with the referral, includes a brief introduction, outlines your qualifications, expresses your interest in the opportunity, and concludes with a polite call to action.

What To Do Before Writing the Email

Before we dive into the structure of the email, let’s focus on the essential steps you need to undertake before you begin writing your referral email:

  • Seek permission from the referee: It’s crucial to ensure that the person who has referred you is comfortable with you using their name in your email. It’s a matter of respect and professional courtesy.
  • Gather relevant information: Understand fully the context in which you’re being referred. What is the opportunity about? Who is it with? What is the nature of the relationship between you and the person who has referred you?
  • Research about the recipient: Having a clear understanding of who you are writing to will allow you to personalize your email effectively. Know their position, their interests, and if possible, their communication style.

What to Include in The Email When Someone Refers You

A successful referral email should be well-structured and include specific parts:

  • Subject Line: Your subject line should be clear and concise, immediately informing the recipient about the nature of your email. Including the word “Referral” can help draw attention and set expectations.
  • Greeting: Your salutation can be formal or informal, depending on what you know about the recipient and your existing relationship with them.
  • Introduction : This is where you introduce yourself and mention your connection with the person who has referred you. Make it brief but informative.
  • Body: Here, highlight your skills, experience, and why you are interested in the opportunity. Be precise but thorough, explaining what you can bring to the table.
  • Call to Action: You need to express your desire for further communication or a meeting. Make this request politely and propose potential dates or times.
  • Closing: Thank the recipient for their time and consideration. A little gratitude goes a long way in leaving a positive impression.

Email Template – Email When Someone Refers You

Here’s a customizable template for your convenience:

Subject: Referred by [Referee’s Name] for [Opportunity]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I’m [Your Name], a colleague of [Referee’s Name], who suggested I contact you regarding [Opportunity].

With my experience in [Your Field] and a proven record in [Specific Achievement], I believe I could bring significant value to your [Team/Company]. The possibility of contributing to [Specific Aspect of Recipient’s Company] particularly excites me because [Reason for Interest].

I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to discuss how my background and skills would make me a strong fit for your team. Please let me know a suitable time for a meeting at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my application. I’m eager to explore the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Here are a few more email templates for specific uses when someone refers you:

Email Template for Job Referral:

Subject: Referred by [Referee’s Name] for [Job Title]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I was recently referred to you by [Referee’s Name] regarding the [Job Title] opportunity at [Company/Organization].

As an experienced professional in [Your Field], I have successfully [Highlight Specific Achievements or Skills]. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to [Company/Organization] and leveraging my expertise in [Specific Area] to drive results.

I would appreciate the chance to discuss how my qualifications align with the requirements of the role. Please let me know a convenient time for a call or meeting.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to [Company/Organization].

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Email Template for Business Referral:

Subject: Referred by [Referee’s Name] for [Business Opportunity]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I trust this email finds you in good spirits. I recently had the pleasure of being referred to you by [Referee’s Name] in relation to a potential business opportunity.

Having studied your company’s impressive track record in [Industry/Field], I am confident that my experience in [Your Field] and my expertise in [Specific Area] could bring significant value to your organization. I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to collaborate on [Specific Project or Initiative] due to [Reason for Interest].

I would welcome the chance to discuss further and explore potential ways we can work together. Please let me know if you would be available for a meeting or call at your convenience.

Thank you for considering this partnership. I am excited about the prospect of working together for mutual success.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Email Template for Networking Referral:

Subject: Referred by [Referee’s Name] for Networking

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I recently connected with [Referee’s Name], who mentioned that you have a strong network in [Industry/Field].

As I am looking to expand my professional connections and learn from experienced individuals like yourself, I would be honored if we could connect and potentially discuss mutual interests, industry trends, or even explore potential collaboration opportunities.

If you are available for a brief call or coffee meeting, I would greatly appreciate it. Please let me know a convenient time or suggest an alternative if needed.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity of connecting with you and learning from your valuable insights.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Remember, personalizing these templates based on your specific situation and relationship with the person providing the referall and recipient will help make your email more effective and engaging.


Knowing how to write an email when someone refers you is an invaluable skill in today’s competitive professional landscape. It’s not just about expressing interest, but also about demonstrating your professionalism, showcasing your skills, and maintaining a respectful and grateful tone. Remember, this email can make a lasting impression, so make every word count!