How to Write an Event Follow-Up Email

You’ve just hosted an amazing event, and now you want to follow-up with the attendees to keep the momentum going.

But how do you write an event follow-up email that not only thanks them for coming but also encourages them to take action?

In this post, we’ll show you how to write an event follow-up email that gets results.

What to Do Before Writing an Event Follow-Up Email:

Before you start crafting your email, take some time to reflect on the event. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What were the highlights of the event?
  • What feedback did you receive from attendees?
  • What action do you want attendees to take after the event?

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your follow-up email, it’s time to start writing.

What to Include in The Event Follow-Up Email

  1. A personalized greeting: Start your email with a personalized greeting, using the attendee’s name if possible. This will make your email feel more personal and engaging.
  2. Thank them for attending: Express your gratitude for their attendance and their participation in the event. This will show that you value their presence and that you recognize their contribution to the success of the event.
  3. Recap of the event: Provide a brief recap of the event, highlighting the key takeaways and the most exciting moments. This will help attendees remember the event and reinforce the value of their participation.
  4. Call to action: Encourage attendees to take action based on the event, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, attending a future event, or connecting on social media. This will help you continue the conversation with attendees and build a relationship with them.
  5. Contact information: Make it easy for attendees to get in touch with you by providing your contact information, such as your email and phone number. This will show that you’re open to communication and that you value their feedback.

Event Follow-Up Email Template

Dear [attendee name],

Thank you for attending [event name] last week! Your presence and participation made the event a huge success, and we’re grateful for your support.

As a quick recap, the event featured [brief summary of event highlights]. We hope that you found the event valuable and that you were able to take away some actionable insights.

If you’re interested in learning more about [event topic], we invite you to sign up for our newsletter, which provides regular updates and tips on [related topic]. You can also connect with us on social media to stay up-to-date on our latest events and news.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for future events, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [contact information].

Thank you again for your participation, and we look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Best regards,
[Your name]

Tips for Writing an Event Follow-Up Email

  • Keep it brief and to the point.
  • Use a clear and engaging subject line to increase open rates.
  • Include a call to action that is relevant to the event and the attendees.
  • Personalize the email as much as possible to make it feel more human.
  • Proofread your email carefully to avoid typos and grammatical errors.

In conclusion, writing an event follow-up email is an opportunity to continue the conversation with attendees and build a relationship with them.

By following these tips and using our email template, you can craft a compelling and effective follow-up email that gets results. Good luck!

If you liked this article, you may want to check out our other event-planning articles:

How to Write an Event Invitation Email

How to Write an Event Confirmation Email