How to Write an Email Informing Candidates of Interview Decisions

Informing candidates about their interview outcomes is a crucial and delicate task. This comprehensive article will equip you with the knowledge and the tools to communicate these pivotal decisions effectively, professionally, and with empathy.

To write an email informing candidates of interview decisions, begin with a personal salutation, state the purpose of the email, deliver the decision and reasoning if applicable, outline next steps or provide feedback, and end with gratitude.

What to Do Before Writing the Email

Prior to putting pen to paper and crafting your email, there are several preparatory steps to take:

  • Review the Interview: Take time to reflect on the candidate’s performance during the interview. Consider their responses, skills, and overall demeanor.
  • Gather Feedback: If the interview was a panel discussion, ensure that you collect feedback from all individuals involved in the process. This will allow for a balanced and informed decision.
  • Finalize the Decision: Discuss the candidate’s suitability for the role with your team or relevant personnel. Once consensus is reached, finalize the decision.
  • Prepare for Potential Responses: Anticipate possible responses from the candidate. If they ask for feedback or further clarification, be ready to provide it.

What to Include In the Email

When drafting an email informing a candidate about their interview outcome, be sure to include the following elements:

  • Salutation: Begin your email by addressing the candidate directly. This adds a personal touch and shows respect.
  • Purpose of the Email: Early in the email, clearly state its purpose. This prepares the candidate for what is to come.
  • Decision Information: Communicate the decision that has been reached. Be direct but considerate in your phrasing.
  • Reasoning (Optional): Depending on your company policy, you might provide a brief explanation for the decision. This can be particularly helpful if the news is negative.
  • Next Steps or Feedback (Optional): If the candidate has been successful, outline the next steps in terms of contract signing, start dates, etc. If they were not successful, you may choose to offer constructive feedback.
  • Expression of Gratitude: Conclude your email by thanking the candidate for their time and effort.

Email Templates – Informing Candidate of Interview Decision

For your convenience, here are a few templates you can customize for different outcomes:

Hired Email Template

Subject: Your New Journey Begins with [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name], We are thrilled to extend an offer for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].

You impressed us with your skills and we believe you will be a valuable addition to our team. The details of the offer including salary, benefits, and start date will be sent in a separate email shortly.

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have. We look forward to welcoming you to our team.

Best, [Your Name]

Not Hired Email Template

Subject: Your Application Status with [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name]

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. After thorough consideration, we regret to inform you that we will not be proceeding further with your application.

We were impressed by your skills but ultimately decided to move forward with a candidate who more closely fits our current needs.

We encourage you to apply for future positions with us that align with your skills and interests. We wish you all the best in your job search and future career.

Best, [Your Name]


Communicating interview decisions to candidates is a task that requires a combination of clear communication, empathy, and professionalism. The guidance and templates provided in this article should help simplify this process.