How to Write an Email for Missing Class

Missing a class can be stressful and disruptive, especially if you are a student who is trying to keep up with your coursework. If you need to miss a class, it is important to let your instructor know as soon as possible. In this article, we will teach you how to write an email for missing class.

What to Do Before Writing an Email About Missing Class

Before you begin crafting your email, there are a few steps you should take to prepare. This will ensure you provide all the necessary information in your email and present it in the most effective way possible.

1. Review the Course Syllabus

Before you even start writing, it’s essential to review your course syllabus. The syllabus often contains information about the instructor’s policies on absences and missed work. Understanding these policies will help you address your absence correctly in the email.

2. Gather Relevant Information

Make sure you have all the relevant information ready. This includes:

  • The date of the class you will be missing
  • The name of the class
  • The name and correct title of your instructor
  • Any necessary details about your reason for absence

3. Decide on a Plan for Catching Up

Before writing your email, think about how you plan to catch up on the work you’ll be missing. This might mean asking a friend for notes, scheduling a meeting with the instructor, or reviewing online resources. Having a plan in place shows your instructor that you are proactive and take responsibility for your education.

4. Consider Your Tone and Language

Think about the tone and language you want to use in your email. Your email should be respectful, formal, and professional. Avoid using slang or informal language. Remember that this is a formal communication with an authority figure, not a casual conversation with a friend.

5. Prepare for Possible Outcomes

Finally, prepare yourself for possible outcomes. Depending on the reason for your absence and your instructor’s policies, they might not be able to provide you with the materials or help you expected. Be open to their suggestions and ready to take alternative steps if needed.

By following these steps before writing your email, you can ensure it is well-prepared, respectful, and effective.

Missing Class Email Template

Here’s an email template you can use right away:

Subject: Absence from [Date of Class] [Class Name]

Dear [Instructor’s Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend the [Class Name] class on [Date of Class].

I understand the importance of regular attendance and have reviewed the syllabus and attendance policy for the course. I regret that I will be missing this class and I wanted to make sure that I am keeping you informed.

The reason for my absence is [provide a brief explanation]. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me any materials or assignments that will be covered in class on [Date of Class]. Additionally, I would be happy to schedule a meeting with you during your office hours to discuss any missed material or to make arrangements for making up the missed work.

Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to catching up on the missed class material.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Read on to discover how to write each part of this email, and why it’s important.

What to Include in a Missing Class Email

Step 1: Plan Your Email

Before you start writing your email, it is important to have a clear plan in mind. A plan will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that your email is concise and to the point. Include the following information.

  • Date of the missed class
  • Reason for missing the class
  • Request for any missed material or assignments
  • A plan for making up the missed work

Step 2: Reference the Syllabus and Attendance Policy

Next, review the syllabus and attendance policy for your course.

This will give you a clear understanding of the expectations and requirements for attendance and will help you make the email more effective.

In your message, mention that you have reviewed the syllabus and attendance policy, and that you are aware of the expectations and requirements for attendance.

For example, you could write: “I understand the importance of regular attendance and have reviewed the syllabus and attendance policy for the course.”

By referencing the syllabus and attendance policy, you are demonstrating that you are responsible and have taken the time to understand the course expectations.

This will show your instructor that you are committed to your education and are taking steps to ensure that you are able to keep up with the coursework.

Step 3: Write a Clear and Professional Subject Line

The subject line of your email is the first thing that your instructor will see, so it is important to make a good impression.

Write a clear and professional subject line that accurately reflects the content of your email. For example, “Absence from [Date of Class] [Class Name]” would be a suitable subject line.

Step 4: Address Your Instructor Appropriately

The tone and language of your email will depend on the relationship you have with your instructor.

If you are on a first-name basis with your instructor, you can use their first name in your email. However, if you are not sure how to address your instructor, it is always better to err on the side of formality and use their last name. Remember their title and any honorifics as well. For example, Dear Dr. Smith..

Step 5: Be Clear and Concise

When writing your email, it is important to be clear and concise. You should avoid using overly complex language and instead use simple and straightforward sentences. Your email should be easy to read and understand, so that your instructor can quickly grasp the main points.

Step 6: Offer a Solution

If you need to miss a class, it is important to offer a solution for making up the missed work.

This could be a request to meet with your instructor during office hours or to receive any missed material or assignments. By offering a solution, you are demonstrating that you are taking responsibility for your absence and are committed to making up the missed work.

Step 7: Proofread Your Email

Before sending your email, it is important to proofread it to make sure that there are no typos or grammatical errors. A well-written email will make a better impression and will help you to communicate your message effectively.

In conclusion, writing an email about missing a class can be a straightforward process if you follow these steps. By being clear, concise, and professional, you can effectively communicate your absence to your instructor and ensure that you are able to make up the missed work.


In conclusion, missing a class doesn’t have to be a stressful event if handled properly. This article has provided a comprehensive guide on how to navigate such a situation, emphasizing the importance of preparation, respect, and clear communication.

Key steps include reviewing the course syllabus, gathering relevant information, devising a catch-up plan, choosing appropriate language, and preparing for possible outcomes.

The provided email template is an excellent tool that can be adapted to most situations, serving as a professional and considerate way to inform your instructor about your absence. By following these guidelines, you not only show respect for your instructor’s time but also demonstrate your commitment and responsibility towards your education.