How To Write an Email For Long Overdue Payment

An email about a long overdue payment can be challenging to write, but with the right approach, you can effectively communicate your concerns and encourage prompt payment. In this article, we will guide you through the process of composing an email that addresses the issue professionally and assertively.

How to write an email for long overdue payment: Be polite yet firm in your request for payment.

What To Do Before Writing the Email:

  • Gather all relevant information regarding the overdue payment, including invoice details, payment terms, and any previous communication related to the outstanding payment.
  • Review your company’s policies and procedures for late payments to ensure you’re following the correct protocol.
  • Consider any possible reasons for the delay in payment, such as administrative errors or unforeseen circumstances, and be prepared to address them.

What to Include In the Email:

  1. Subject Line: Choose a clear and concise subject line that highlights the urgency of the matter, such as “Urgent: Long Overdue Payment Request.”
  2. Greeting: Begin the email with a polite and professional salutation, addressing the recipient by their appropriate title and name.
  3. Introduction: State the purpose of the email in a brief yet direct manner. Clearly express your concern regarding the overdue payment and acknowledge any possible reasons for the delay.
  4. Invoice Details: Provide specific information about the unpaid invoice, including the invoice number, amount, and due date. Reinforce the importance of fulfilling payment obligations promptly.
  5. Reminder of Payment Terms: Restate the agreed-upon terms of payment, outlining any late fees or consequences for non-payment as stated in your company’s policy.
  6. Call to Action: Clearly request immediate payment and provide instructions on how the payment can be made, such as through an online portal or by mailing a check.
  7. Contact Information: Include your contact details, such as email address and phone number, so that the recipient can reach out to you with any concerns or questions regarding the overdue payment.
  8. Closing: Express appreciation for their attention to the matter and politely sign off with a professional closing.

Email Template:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention an outstanding payment that is long overdue.

According to our records, Invoice #[Invoice Number] for the amount of [Payment Amount] was due on [Due Date]. We understand that unexpected circumstances may arise, leading to delays in payment. However, it has been more than [Number of Days Overdue] days since the payment was initially due.

We kindly request that you settle this outstanding payment as soon as possible to avoid any further complications. Our company policy stipulates that late payments may incur additional fees or consequences.

You can make the payment securely through our online portal [Provide Link], or alternatively, you can send a check to the address listed below. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the payment or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We greatly appreciate your prompt resolution of the outstanding payment.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Contact Information]


When drafting an email for a long overdue payment, it’s crucial to strike a balance between professionalism and assertiveness. Clearly state the issue at hand, provide necessary details, and politely but firmly request immediate payment. Remember to maintain a professional tone throughout the email and offer support for any concerns or questions the recipient may have. By following these guidelines and using the provided email template, you can increase the chances of obtaining a prompt resolution to the overdue payment.

Tips: Keep a record of all communication related to the overdue payment for future reference. Consider offering flexible payment options or negotiating a new payment arrangement if appropriate.